Congregation Articles

Greatest Of All Troubles

Milk could be twice as bountiful on our little farm at this time, but I am not willing to play Tonia’s games. Or our obstinate Toggenburg is not so much playing games as living with the fear to which she has exposed herself, and I am not going to chase and capture her...

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Holy Cross And A Cemetery

By John Coolidge Brigid Valentine was born in the early hours on December 16, 2017. Immediately after she was born, I performed the sacrament of baptism on my little girl. I poured water three times over her chest, saying “the handmaid of God, Brigid, is baptised in...

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By Kyle Reif   I lost my job on the last day of November, 2018. It was sudden, and the impersonal "downsizing" was crushing. Especially because my wife and I moved to town the year before, in large part for this job. My wife is a teacher, so after the initial...

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Parish Contact Info:

Holy Cross Antiochian Orthodox Church
2828 Richmond St NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
(616) 681-0341

Parish Priest: Fr. John Hogg